The Knight Tribe Review & Giveaway-Fingerlings HUGS by WowWee- BELLA

 Friendship at your Fingertips

The world went crazy for Fingerlings and now they are going crazy for the NEW Fingerlings Hugs interactive plush which is already on the top toys list for Christmas 2018.

Meet our not so little Bella. She is super-duper soft, with the fluffiest tuft of yellow hair on the top of her head, just like the original Fingerlings . She is a vibrant pink colour and INTERACTIVE. Emily fell in love with her before she even knew what she did. We call Milly a monkey so the fact that the Fingerlings Hugs is a monkey now makes this 1000 times better.

Bella takes 2 AA batteries, which are included, and stands about 38cm tall. At the end of her long arms, her hands stick together with Velcro for big Hugs. On the box it states that this toy is suitable for ages 2years+ however, some online sources rate the toy at 4years+ and 6years+. My girls are 4 and 5 and I cannot see any reason why they would need supervision whilst playing with this toy. There are no small parts and the batteries are inside the toy so you would need a screwdriver to get inside the casing to access them.

Bella is very affectionate; you can give her a kiss and she will kiss you back, plus the longer you hold your kiss, the longer she will too. You can swing her, tickle her belly, throw her in the air and catch her and she will make silly noises. She will even say ‘Ouch’ if you drop her. She can blow raspberries, fart and burp and you can record what to say by pressing and holding her left ear that she will repeat back to you in a funny voice.

Bella does lots more, details of which are held within the instructions manual that comes with her. Her interaction makes her even more special because Emily thinks shes secretly alive. If you hold her upside down and kiss her she will blow raspberries at you which both my girls found hilarious.

Burp- Pat Bella’s back slowly and she will burp

Talking- Hold Bella’s left ear and record what you want her to say and she will repeat it in a silly monkey voice.

Laughing- Lay Bella on her back and tickle her belly and she will laugh

Fart- shake her and she will laugh and then do a huge long fart.

Sleep- Lay her in your arms and rock her gently and she will go to sleep, to wake her up just press her left ear once.

There is also a boy version to Bella whose name is Boris and they retail at £29.99 from all good toy stores. I do think these are going to be very hard to get hold of over the next few months leading up to Christmas so dont wait around to buy one, you will not be disappointed…. she is worth it.

Better still, you can enter my giveaway below to win your own. Unfortunately, I cannot guarentee the colour the winner will receive so please bare this is mind when entering and GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

The Knight Tribe- Fingerlings Hugs


***I received this product in return for an honest and open review***


  1. clarel

    She sounds like fun. Hope the girls enjoy playing with her

  2. Gemma Roast

    Loving the blog Jo ?

  3. Jo m welsh

    A great giveaway which my daughter would love.
    Just to let you know the instagram link at the bottom of your page didn’t connect for me but typed it in and found you 🙂

  4. iain maciver

    my niece would love bella

  5. Katie

    My niece is a big Fingerlings fan and would love this

  6. Peter

    My grandaughter would love one of these.

  7. Tracy Nixon

    My daughter would love this thank you!

  8. jennifer

    Fab competition

  9. Sean Eccles

    My girls would love this would love one I would like to see a Dino one

  10. Ruth Harwood

    this would be amazing for my little girl this christmas! she loves fingerlings xx

  11. Lynn

    My granddaughter would love one of these!

  12. Sally Collingwood

    This toy is gorgeous, love it.

  13. Christine Caple

    I would love this for my granddaughter

  14. Sandra Siddall

    I nicknamed my niece Monkey so she would absolutely love this and it would make the most perfect Christmas gift for her!

  15. Sheri Darby

    My daughter would love these

  16. janine atkin

    my niece would love this

  17. Pauline Black

    My nieces have a few of the little fingerlings toys. Haven’t seen this before though!

  18. Katie Walker

    My niece would adore hugging this little critter

  19. Teresa sheldon

    Ava would love this it’s just so cute

  20. becci cleary

    Reckon my girls would love this ?

  21. Adrian Bold

    Thanks for the great prize and competition. Good luck everyone!

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