An award winning business designed by a family.

Disclosure– We received gifted tickets in return for a review however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Want some good family fun action outdoors but kids don’t want to leave their games console? Do your kids love Call of Duty or Fortnite? Then why not combine the two together and give Rumble Live a visit?!

Rumble live is action gaming situated on the banks of Grafham water. It is essentially laser tag meets paintballing (minus the bruises); an outdoor arena with laser guns. I have never taken part in anything like this before and I was so nervous as my fitness is not the greatest. I was going to sit this one out and watch David and the kids play, but I am so glad I didn’t because it was so much fun!!
As it was nearing Star Wars day (May the 4th) Rumble live had some special guests come along to make the games even more exciting; Darth-Vader, along with one of his Storm Troopers. Within the arena there was also a pesky Jawa that was always getting into mischief. At one point it was giving the ‘L’ (Loser) sign to Darth Vader. They looked incredible, the kids (and the adults) really enjoyed it.

Once everyone had arrived, we all sat on a log so that The Ranger (Billy) could brief us on what was going to happen. He went through how the headbands work and explained how to use our guns. David and Leo understood it more than me and the girls did, but they both play the shooter games on the Xbox, and David has done paintballing and laser tag in the past.
After being debriefed we were taken inside the ‘map’ and sorted into either red (Empire) or blue (Rebel Alliance) teams, of which we were the Rebel Alliance. We were given our guns which were all named after characters in Star wars, which I thought was pretty cool, and then we were given our first mission. I was Mace Windu, Lydia was C-3P0, Emily was Obi-Wan, Leo was Qui-Gon Jin, and David… he got Jar Jar Binks!
Having never taken part in anything like this before, the mission briefing and everything I was told went over my head, but I just went with it. During your hour, there are 5 games to be played, which actually took over the hour but it went by so fast. The first game was a ‘Team Death Match’ (so I am told), but basically just an opportunity to get used to the guns and the action.

The guns speak to you throughout and let you know, more or less, what is going on. A loud roar tells you that the game is almost ready so we wait within the base. A noise and sudden vibration and the gun counts down… 4… 3… 2… 1… “Game on!” shouts the gun.
I had no idea what to do so I just followed everyone else. Your gun has a scope on top of it through which you can see a little red reticule that you can adjust to a shape that you like. Aiming down the sights, pull the trigger and away I went. You are aiming at head bands that the other players wear.
They were red and we were blue, but from a distance I couldn’t tell which colour was which, I was shooting at everything that moved. Turned out I wasn’t the only one while a team mate and I sat shooting at each other until we both realised. Once we realised it got much easier. I managed seven kills in my first game, which I thought was awesome!

We then played a series of other games, including attack and defend and a tower capture game. Throughout the field there are caches (loot boxes) that you can access to gain better guns or armour, they even had some games with ‘Thermal Grenades’, whatever that meant, but you could take out a tower easily with one of them.

The final game was a ‘Free for All’, which was just a great way to end the day. Everyone went against each other until there was only one left – of which David came second! He totally smashed the rest of us in terms of points and kills, often coming in within the top four on most games.
Unfortunately, the Empire won the day overall 3-1, which was fine. It was just such great fun playing. The kids had an amazing time! Even Emily, who like me seemed unsure what was going on, still got involved and played. After each game you were so tired with all the running, but once the next game started you completely forgot and just went at it again.
What a day!!

Go to their website and select your required date, there are 40 spaces per session so booking online is a must. The cost is £15 per person. Rumble live is open every weekend and during the half terms conducting 5 time slots per day.
They have (or will have) three arenas. A small arena aimed at younger children and little legs. The main arena where we played, which is aimed at families and groups, and they are in the last stages of completing their third arena, which is the largest and aimed at teenagers and adults – essentially those who want to play hard.
Throughout the year rumble live run themed events during special holidays or just for fun. You can also have birthdays and gatherings and they provide tables and space to set up for cakes, food, etc. for you to enjoy on your special day.
Directions and car-park
Head on into the carpark and the rumble live banners will direct you to the top end where you will then see more signs clearly instructing you on where to go. The car park will cost you around £4 and that will cover you for the duration of your stay however, if you plan on staying longer in Grafham water then the parking will be more.
Disabled accessibility
As Rumble live is situated in the woods, it is not very accessible for those in wheelchairs however, If the ground is dry that day, vehicles can be given access and the rangers are there to help as much as they can. The rangers will help to situate wheelchairs in good positions and even help players to pull the trigger if required. Players with special needs will be accommodated and their carers can play for free. Any special requests/ requirements will be considered, email
Hiring Rumble Live
Rumble live can be hired out for parties, team building and exclusive use for clubs, societies, schools etc They have hosted a number of special schools, tournaments for over 100 players at a time and supported many charities events including CCLG (children’s cancer and leukaemia group).
Don’t just take our word for it, book it and experience it for yourself. I promise that you will not be dissapointed.