Our puppy Rosie is 11 weeks
And what a fun, poo filled few weeks its been!
Get a puppy he said, it’ll be fun he said HA no I’m kidding she is so much fun HOWEVER having a puppy is not easy. We have had Rosie since she was 9 weeks old, she was tiny.
We are crate training her and have got her used to pooping on her puppy pad in one corner and then she will take a dump behind our curtain at the back door (good I know as she wanted to go outside) Not good when you don’t know she’s taking a big crap right under your curtain, the curtain has touched the poo without me realising until I’ve lifted the curtain up and placed it on my sofa so I can hoover and shit gets wiped all over my wall where I’ve flung the curtain. When you tred bare foot in fresh doggy doo doo in the garden which Is RANK because we have missed a poo when picking them up.
She is teething at the moment so she is nipping a lot we have brought so many toys from cuddly squeaky toys to rubber bones and ropes with balls on which she loves however she has taken a liking to my beading along my floor and my sons special wooden chair that helps him sit up straight at the table !
We recently made our own Dog toy with a old pillow case and a tennis ball.
We take some of her dried food and place it in the plaits and she LOVES it she also lover her little Pink kong toy which we fill with her dried food and the kong liver paste.
We literally have to watch her all the time she is like a little baby when they get curious, you leave a shoe on the floor for a second and she has found it .
I miss the days were I could just go out all day but I cant do that now as she needs stimulating which I wouldn’t change for the world she makes me laugh and she is so blooming adorable! even when she is nipping us. We have hard flooring and its so funny when we play fetch and she runs to get the ball and slides when she stops.
It would of been easier to get a grown up dog however we wanted a puppy to grow with our kids.
She has her 2nd jabs tomorrow and I cant wait to take her on walkies 10 days after she must be so bored.
When we come downstairs in the morning she is so happy to see us , her little tail goes crazy and my 4 year old daughter always gets up with us at 530-6am so she can go downstairs to see her which Is so lovely.
As she is getting bigger now she has started to sneak up the stairs when we are not looking, she jumps up at the TV unit an grabs what ever is on there , she really does keep us on our toes.
So far she has learnt to sit, sit and stay , sit and lay down , fetch and drop .. I’m now working on Paw (high five) and roll over.
You were going to be lost when your babies went to school. Now you have something else to mother for a bit. But she will grow much faster than the children so not long before she becomes a dog.
You were going to be lost when your babies went to school. Now you have something else to mother for a bit. But she will grow much faster than the children so not long before she becomes a dog.