Overspending on your weekly shop? I have 5 ways on how you can save money on your weekly shop and they really work.
I Love Aldi myself, however whatever is your preference if you stick to these 5 things I promise you will save on your next shop.
I also like to keep my receipts and compare weekly and try to save just that little bit more.
Don’t go shopping when your hungry, I used to be so guilty of this. I would be walking past the cake aisle and end up with half of it in my trolley just because I was hungry, So now I make sure I eat something before I go shopping.
- Meal Planning- Yes, yes, yes! Always meal plan, It will help you stick to your list and not overspend. It is such a boring task to do every time but it will save you from overspending. Stick to your shopping list.
- Don’t fall victim to offers- For example I’m shopping with my brother today in B&M and he needed washing up liquid, he picked one up that was on offer for £1.49 for 450ml. I pointed out to him the same brand, same price, not on offer but you get 650ml. Why get less for the same amount of money? Always check and compare.
- Check your cupboards before you go- Check what you already have in, for example a bag of pasta. you know you don’t have to add pasta on your shopping list. We love home pride creamy tuna pasta bake in our house so I would just add the Tuna ( if not already in my cupboard) and the jar to my shopping list.
- Frozen Vegetables- If your a busy mum like me you wont have time to prepare fresh veg and to be honest its cheaper buying it frozen. 1. you get a lot more for your money and 2. cooks quicker.
- Go on your own if you can–My kids want everything if I take them shopping with me and because I hate doing the food shop and cant be bothered with arguing I fall victim to magazines going in at 3.99 a pop and a extra punnet of grapes I didn’t need to buy at £1.50 which doesn’t sound a lot but when you add it on to your shopping list that’s £5.49 extra that you could of saved.
You can do this, don’t get tempted to put anything else in your trolley except what is on your list.
If its not on your list its not going in
Definitely agree with all of these but only one I don’t do is go on my own hahaha. Absolutely love aldi and definitely plan plan plan I find it easier and definitely cheaper when you have a list of the stuff you need from your meal planning etc. If you do plan and stick to the shopping list and shop at places like aldi you can actually afford a few more pennies to treat the kids to something if there is something they want without breaking your budget x
I agree – take a list and stick to it. I do however buy something I haven’t added to my list. Saves time later. I printed out a shopping list for Jo and said amend this according to what you buy. My husband has a standard list which we leave on the kitchen table and when we run out of something we tick the appropriate box. Then before we go shopping we check it to make sure we haven’t forgotten anything. We shop at Asda, Aldi, Iceland and Lidl which sounds weird but they are on my route home.
I would love to use Aldi and Lidl but they don’t have assistance for disabled. I do use Iceland sometimes . I do most shopping on line
totally agree, i go shopping with all my kids and it costs a bomb , when i go on my own its so cheap ,the one thing i am doing wrong though is going shopping when im hungry.
I’ve cut my shopping bill drastically by only doing Tesco once a fortnight now and using Aldi on the other weeks.
Great tips here, i changed to Aldi several months a go, and i saved a huge amount really, and meal planning i felt helped, but found it hard not looking at other things especially what is on offer, as i am the sort who can get carried away,