Stickerscape- Encouraging independence through name labels/ Using wall stickers to refresh a bedroom

Name labels and wall/window stickers.


As the latest craze and with two girls that LOVE them, Stickerscape has got it spot-on with their new range of unicorn wall stickers and name labels.

Stick on and Iron on Name labels

This year Emily is starting school and to help get her ready, I have come up with a few ways to use name labels to encourage independence, which name labels, like these from Stickerscape, are great at.

Lydia is one of the oldest in her class and she started reception in 2017 whereas Emily will be one of the youngest and she will be starting in September 2018. She does not recognise her name yet and to get her started in familiarising herself with her name, we have started personalising her belongings.

To encourage her independence, by being able to put shoes on the right feet, I have cut a name label in half and stuck them in each of her shoes so she would have to match the colours up. I have also used them on her pre-school lunch box and her drink bottle. They come in fun bright colours and with cute little pictures that you can encourage your child to look for.


Wall Stickers

I love decorating rooms, especially kids’ rooms, but sometimes it isn’t financially possible and it is time-consuming that can put a lot of parents off – this is where the wall stickers come in. We went for the large unicorn glitter wall sticker and it is amazing! It has transformed that boring part of the bedroom I didn’t know what to do with making the bedroom exciting with something artistic, beautiful and, most importantly, glittery¬ It was also so easy to apply, something that surprised me as I have always struggled wall stickers as they were fiddly. They are great for those who are privately renting and are not allowed to paint and the finish is clean, without that ‘sticker’ outline on the wall.

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I have made a video to show you how I applied the Unicorn wall sticker in my girl’s room.

From the unicorn range, we also have the window stickers that were also easy to apply. They really change the feel of the room with their bright and vibrant colours, instantly drawing your attention to the window. It gives the girls a magical feeling, as described by Lydia.

The knight tribe- Stickerscape name labels




*** I received these products in return for inclusion on my blog***



1 Comment

  1. Kayleigh Watkins

    I use these to decorate my home, Ive recently painted my downstairs toilet walls a pale grey with the toilet rules stickers, we moved in august but in our old home, we had the live love laugh in our living room, the childrens names on their bedroom doors and personalised character ones on my daughters bedroom xx

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