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Hungry hippos by Hasbro review

Hasbro’s Hungry Hippos and our review  My Daughter Lyddy received this game for her 5th present of her grandma and we couldn’t wait to start playing, she is now at that age where she is…

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Snotcha! Game from Drumond park -Review and giveaway-


On a Sunday afternoon me and my family like to sit around the dining table with the television off playing games and spending quality time together. I was recently given the opportunity from Drumond park to review this sneeze spraying action game.

Setting up

The game was quick and easy to put together and comes with a spinning dial and instructions, you simply fill the base with water and pop the 2 sides of the nose together onto the base and lock it with the switches so it doesn’t come loose during the game. You will need 2AAA batteries which I couldn’t put in quick enough as my 2 little girls really wanted to play, they love anything to do with nose’s and bogeys especially my little nose picker Milly.


We are now sitting around the table and the game is in the middle, the player with the biggest nose goes first but we just let the youngest go first which was Milly. You have to move the nose to face you when it’s your turn. The aim of the game is to stay dry and not get snotted on Ewwww.

This game is really entertaining and I really enjoyed watching the kids wait in suspense to see if they were going to get sneezed on and the laughter I heard when they did! Once you have been sneezed on then you are out of the game and the winner is the last player who has stayed dry.

We really enjoyed this game and it will be coming out regularly on our Sunday games afternoons.


For more information on the Snotcha!
game (rrp £24.99) and stockists, please visit

You can also find them on Twitter

UK entrants only
Over 16’s only
The winner’s details will be passed onto Drumond Park who will send the prize out to the winner
The winner has 30 days to claim their prize or I will have to redraw 
No cash alternatives






a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received Snotcha! from Drumond Games in exchange for an honest and open blog post review. The opinions and experiences shared in this post are my own.

Top tips on how to save for Christmas

As Christmas is approaching fast I wanted to put together a list of top tips on how to save for Christmas.

  • Set up a standing order into another one of your bank accounts weekly/monthly and Don’t touch it.
  • Look for bargains throughout the year.
  • I like to go window shopping first and take photo’s of everything I want to buy the children and then go home and google to find where is the cheapest.
  • Have a look at what you don’t use anymore and do car boot sales.
  • Save your points i.e Tesco, boots and use them towards gifts and treats.
  • Asda does a saving’s card which you can add money to at any time and then use it at Christmas.
  • Symths toy shop also do a savings card where you can add money to each month
  •  Toys R us do a layaway scheme where you can go shopping for what you want and pay a 10% deposit there and then and then instalments.  (Although I find this shop quite expensive for some toys)
  • Park offers a saving scheme too, my mum has saved with park this year.
  • If you are going to use a credit card, use a 0% on new purchases card so you don’t pay any interest.
  • Have a look on facebook selling sites or eBay for unwanted gifts that might appeal to you.
  • Pick up one Christmas food treat a week.
  • Have a look online for discount codes.
  • Check out reviews first online to avoid disappointment.
  • Write a list and stick to it.
  • Look for outlet shops.
  • Try and handmake some gifts.
  • Search promotions online when browsing.
  • Buy your Christmas crackers and cards just after Christmas, you save £££

Cervical Screenings and how important they are.

It has nearly been a year since I received the awful smear test results through the post, I say awful as that is what it felt like at the time but really it is a lifesaver. I had gone for my routine screening on December 19th and then carried on with my day as normal not thinking anything of my appointment, my previous screenings had all been normal so why would this one be any different?

2 days later on December 21st, I was out with my 12-year-old son for the day shopping and we had just nipped home quickly to check my mail, I saw 3 letters addressed to me that looked like they were all from the hospital so my first thought was that was really quick.

I opened the thickest letter first and I pulled out some booklets which had the words Cervical Cancer, colposcopy and a treatment booklet and then panic set in. I opened the other 2 letters as quickly as I could, literally trying not to throw up or faint with worry as my son was in the car, another letter said I had a colposcopy appointment booked for the end of January 2017 with possible treatment at the same time depending on the severity, I was very confused by this point, what the F**K was a colposcopy? and then I ripped open THE letter that made me feel sick to the pit of my stomach.

It was just horrible and not what I was expecting at all, I didn’t have any symptoms or anything to make me question why it would come back abnormal. I was hysterical and my poor boy in the car was looking at me thinking what on earth had gone on. I tried to call my partner but he was driving so couldn’t answer so I called my mum, I was too hysterical and she couldn’t understand what I was saying so she tried to calm me down so I could tell her what had happened. Once I managed to tell her she tried to comfort me but all I wanted was my mum to come and give me a cuddle and tell me its all right and I knew that’s what she wanted to do but she was at work.

Once I had calmed a little tiny bit I called the hospital and begged for them to bring the colposcopy forward but they had nothing until the end of January and there was no way I could wait that long, I was having my double jaw surgery on the 17th January and needed a clear head for that. I feel like an idiot now but I was so scared at the time telling her I didn’t want to die. I begged her to find something sooner and she prevailed, what a godsend. She had found me an appointment for the next day December 22nd in the next town from us and I said yes! Travelling was the least of my worries right now, I wanted this over.

When David returned home very shortly after I had tried to contact him I was sat in my car and he just cuddled me so tight, I showed him all the booklets I had got sent and he made me a cuppa T and sat down and read through them all (which I hadn’t) and then explained to me what the letter actually meant and what they needed to do now to ensure it doesn’t progress into cancerous cells. I didn’t listen to him at all and was just fixating on what if I have cancer, Emily and Lydia would be at an age where they wouldn’t remember me and my little Leo, my warrior my right-hand man. This did nothing for my health anxiety.

That night I didn’t sleep much and I was just counting down the hours to this appointment so I could get it over and done with, the day went very slowly and I tried my hardest to forget about it but I couldn’t it was all I could think about. It was my sisters birthday that day and I couldn’t be there and spend time with her like we usually would on one of our birthdays, instead she was looking after my kids which I know she didn’t mind doing at all whilst I had gone for my colposcopy.

I remember the car journey there, I was silent, overthinking things like what if they had got the results wrong from my last test and I have been sitting here with cancer all this time?  What if I am dying? I had been googling the night before and I found a website called Jo’s cervical cancertrust which had a forum so I registered and I felt a slight bit of relief when I saw quite a lot of women were going through the same thing.  I thought I was the only one but in fact, it is very common but no-one talks about it and I found myself on that forum all the time looking through posts and supporting each other through our journey.


As we were waiting all I could think was I wonder if that woman is here for the same reason as me? everyone was silent and it really panicked me, then they called my name.

SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTT I jumped up and went through to a consultant’s room with David. A really lovely Doctor went through all my details and explained why I was there and what was going to happen next, the treatment is called an LLETZ. I can’t really describe how I was feeling next, calmer because I was there getting the abnormal cells removed but anxious in case it’s worse than what she thought and I would need to come back and be put to sleep.

As I entered the room there was 2 very lovely, calming, funny nurses. There was a chair behind the chair I had to sit on for David and a screen to the side of you so if you wanted to look then you could. I did glimpse but didn’t know what I was really looking for so I just looked up at the ceiling whilst the nurses made me laugh, Then it was over.

The Doctor said she was 99.9% sure she had removed all the abnormal cells but I would need another screening to make sure in 6-months time. I asked her what CIN it was and she said CIN3 and that she took a sample for a biopsy and I should receive the results in 4-6 weeks as it was Christmas and the new year. When she left I asked the nurses how good she was and they reassured me she’s very thorough and very few people have to come back for a 2nd treatment, I held on to that with everything.

When I got home I had to take it easy and do nothing so David ordered us a Chinese and I posted about how my experience was having a colposcopy which wasn’t half as bad as I thought it was going to be, now I had to get through Christmas without it playing on my mind but to be honest i felt so much better about it all after the treatment so tried my hardest to not think about it.

My double jaw surgery was imminent now and with all this going on I didn’t have a second to worry or panic about it like I know I would have done if I hadn’t of recently gone through this.

On January the 9th after stalking the post lady for the last few weeks I received a letter which looked like it was from the hospital. IT WAS  I felt like I could hear my heart beating so loud and I felt sick to the pit of my stomach. Why had I got my results this quickly she said 4-6 weeks and it had been 3.

I took a deep breath and opened the envelope, which can I add was thin so no leaflets which was a positive. I slowly pulled the letter out and the first word I noticed was ‘Pleased’ I instantly felt relieved and pulled the letter out quickly… Here is what it said




The nightmare was over for now and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted, Now I could start to look to my Jaw surgery which you can read about here (edit link)

I then received my invitation for my test of cure screening in June and I booked it straight away. It was again straightforward and I would receive my results through the post and if all is normal then I would be back to  3-yearly screenings.

A week later I received my results and surprisingly I felt calm, the envelope was thin again so it could only mean one thing.

YEP, I had got the all clear, the abnormal cells had all been removed and I had no HPV virus, back to 3-yearly smears.

I cannot even explain to you how important your routine screening is, I know it is embarrassing but would you rather miss it and have to deal with the possibility of cancer for a few minutes sake.

It can take up to 10 years for precancerous cells to turn cancerous and your screening is there for early detection so god forbid It was cancer you would have a much higher survival rate.

Please please do not miss your smears ladies I cannot stress how important they are, I never want to go through that again. However, if I did I think I would be much calmer. When I have been speaking to women I was actually surprised at how common abnormal tests are and how many people had gone through the same thing as me, I was also shocked at how many women don’t bother.






My review of Freeze-dried dog food from Pure Petfood and giveaway

Pure Petfood review

On Friday I received a 2kg chunky chicken superfood recipe in the post to review.

Once I opened the parcel I was instantly drawn to the packaging of the box. The ingredients grab your attention straight away as its the same food us humans would eat, upon opening the box there was a scoop and bag clip laying on the top of the food for you to use.

The food is dehydrated so all you need to do is add a scoop of warm tap water (the number of scoops depends on the size of your dog) give it a good stir and leave to sit for 10-15minutes to rehydrate. Pure petfood is a complete, balanced food for puppies and adult dogs and is great for dogs with multiple meat intolerances.

Rosie our 4.5month labrador puppy really enjoyed this food, we are introducing it slowly along with the food she is already on. Once we had weighed the food and added the warm water you could smell straight away how good it is, not like your other pet food which smells rank, the consistency is good too.

I think Rosie could smell it in the kitchen as she was going crazy at the door and as soon as we put it down, she emptied that bowl in no time at all and then chased the bowl around the living room licking it clean.

I couldn’t take a still photo of her eating as she was so quick and was moving around a lot but you get the picture, She LOVED it!


***Win a month’s supply of Freeze Dried Superfoods and your pooch could be a superhero like Rupert! ***


Our freeze-dried recipes are packed with ingredients such as spinach, coconut & sweet potato!


Enter here on Rafflecopter


WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON 30 November 2017 Please see terms and conditions below.

**Be warned your dog may develop superpowers!**



Readers can also take advantage of our 40% off our starter packs offer. HERE



I was given a sample of this product in return for a fair and honest review

Terms and conditions: Prize give away open to UK residents aged 18 and over only. The competition ends midnight on the 30th November 2017 and the winner will be contacted by email after this date. The prize is non-transferable and no alternative will be offered.